How toxic masculinity ruins workplaces
Episode 406 | Host: Emilie Aries | Guest: Jeff Harry
Toxic masculine leadership constrains everyone.
So what’s the alternative? Building workplaces where empathy and psychological safety are extended to all.
What is the worst behavior tolerated in your workplace?
Have you seen colleagues yelled at or berated? Told to just "suck it up" or "walk it off" when bad things happen? Do you feel like you need to "man up" to get ahead? These are signs and symptoms of toxic masculine leadership at work.
On today's episode, I sit down with speaker and workplace consultant Jeff Harry, who combines positive psychology and play to heal workplaces and help teams build psychological safety.
Related links:
Ezra Kelin's interview with Richard Reeves: The Men - And Boys - Are Not Alright
The Good Life: Lessons from The World's Longest Scientific Study of Happiness
Got a career conundrum you want us to cover on the podcast? Call and leave us a voicemail NOW at 910-668-BOSS(2677).